January Recap: Winter Markets and Record Retail Success at York Meadow Farm! ❄️

🌟 Winter wonders at York Meadow Farm! Dive into our January recap for winter markets and record retail success. Exciting updates to come! 🚜📰 

🌟 Welcome to the January edition of the York Meadow Farm newsletter! 

We hope this email finds you well! Since our last newsletter, we've been buzzing with holiday festivities, winter farmers' markets, and managing record-setting retail orders. It's been a whirlwind, and we're excited to share a comprehensive "look back" and "look ahead" update with you soon!

While we put the finishing touches on that, mark your calendars for the upcoming Indoor Winter Farmers' Market at Boyerts Greenhouse and Farm on January 27, and Feb 10, 24, and March 9.  Come join the fun!

Catch us there for your favorite Natural Ferments products!

👍 Natural Ferments on Facebook

👍 Natural Ferments on Instagram

Don't forget to visit us at Krieger's Health Foods Market in Cuyahoga Falls and Keller Market & Cafe Bistro, and Richardson Farms right here in Medina.

Thanks for your incredible support, and stay tuned for more updates.

We can't wait to share the exciting journey ahead with you!

The York Meadow Farm Co-op 

Rob KaiserComment