πŸ’œ The Kraut Guy's Cancer Diagnosis πŸ’œ

A Setback for York Meadow Farm:

The Kraut Guy's Cancer Diagnosis Delays Their Return to Medina Square and Tremont Farmers' Market

York Meadow Farm's return to the farmers' markets is being postponed due to The Kraut Guy's recent cancer diagnosis. We are extremely grateful to our local community for all the support.

In this blog post, we will take a look at how this setback has affected the farm and express our deepest gratitude to the customers and community around us.

The Kraut Guy, a popular vendor at the Medina Square Farmers’ Market and the Tremont Farmers' Market, was recently diagnosed with cancer. This news has led to a delay in York Meadow Farm's return. The Kraut Guy's family is now focused on supporting The Kraut Guy during his treatment. This delay is necessary to focus on his health and well-being.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to the customers and community members who have shown such unwavering support. Your encouraging words, helping hands, and strong community bonds have been truly inspiring. Your support during this difficult time shows the resilience and caring nature of our community.

While we may be temporarily absent from the farmers' markets, we encourage you to explore other local vendors and farmers at each market. Continued support of the markets and all vendors is important - for they make the market what it is!

Our production may be slower than normal during The Kraut Guy's treatment, but we encourage you to check out our retail locations.  We will also have products available for sale on our website for direct shipment to your door via USPS: https://www.yorkmeadowfarm.com/shop

York Meadow Farm remains committed to returning to the Medina Square Farmers’ Market and the Tremont Farmers' Market as soon as possible. We are also excited for a potential NEW retail location in the Medina area!  

We look forward to sharing more details on this SOON! 🀩

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We are grateful for your ongoing support and patience during this challenging period. Together, we can continue to support all family-owned businesses and nurture our community.

Despite this setback, the support from customers and the community remains strong. Words cannot express how humbled we are by your support.  

May we all continue to support our local businesses and maintain the vibrancy and resiliency of our markets and our community.

We look forward to seeing you at the market soon and will keep you updated with more information as time goes on.

Thank you